Division 10: Specialties

Division 10 includes anything that falls under the “Specialties” category. Sound familiar? That’s because specialties are what we do here at Granite State Specialties! Specialty items are things that may not fit into other categories of the MasterFormat and therefore are special! Some examples of Division 10 products are fire extinguishers, toilet partitions, or marker boards.

Below, we’ll list every category that falls under Division 10 and the items covered under each category. For more information on the MasterFormat, you can visit their site here.

MasterFormat Division 10

Here is a list of the different categories that fall under Division 10.

10 10 00- Information Specialties

Visual Display Surfaces

Intended for schools or businesses that conduct meetings. Specs for products like interactive whiteboards and chalkboards are covered under this category.

Display Cases

Display cases covered under this category are often found in schools to show off achievements or trophies. Other areas you’d see these are in museums, hospitals, or any other facility where displays need to be behind a glass partition.


Directories under this section are typically indoor signs that are changeable. Examples would be hospitals, clinics, or state buildings where you use the signs to find professions, offices, or specific areas, and assist navigation to these places within a building. Electrical and non-electrical are both covered here.


The signage section of MasterFormat Division 10 covers most sign types, including indoor and outdoor signs. Electrical, dimensional, luminescent, and wayfinding signs are covered. Also, traffic signs and signals are also included in this category.

Telephone Specialties

This section has become rather obscure over the years due to mobile phones and tablets. However, phone booths, enclosures, and directory units are still included in the MasterFormat to this day.

Informational and Directional Kiosks

This covers standards for kiosks that you might find in between entrances or exits of a parking garage, Security guard stations, and information centers.

10 20 00- Interior Specialties

Compartments and Cubicles

Under this category are toilet partitions, hospital room curtains, room dividers, and other miscellaneous associated objects.


Within this section are overhead doors, rolling steel doors, and rolling grill doors. These are mean to protect storefronts- indoors and out. Folding walls, doors and panels, wire or mesh enclosures and doors, moveable glass partitions, and temporary or removable wall systems are all included under the “Partitions” category.

Service Walls & Interior Drinking Fountains

Drinking fountains that you can find in hospitals, schools, or malls are categorized under this topic. Also, sections of walls that serve special purposes, such as headwalls found in hospitals and clinics, are included.

Wall and Corner Protection

Common items in the Wall and Corner Protection section are bumpers that protect store features from bumps with shopping carts, corner guards for walls, handrails, guardrails, fiberglass resistance panels, and various industrial safety and collision protection items. Overall, defensive architectural products.

Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Specialties

Cabinets, hand dryers, industrial mirrors, diaper changing stations, grab bars and handrails, and other commercial bathrooms/laundry rooms accessories are handled through this section.

At a residential level, shower doors, exhaust fans, and shower enclosures are covered here.

10 30 00- Fireplaces and Stoves

Manufactured Fireplaces and Stoves

This covers the entire gambit of fireplace and stove styles and types.

10 40 00- Safety Specialties

Emergency Access and Information Cabinets

This covers any lockable security or safety cabinet type. Lockers and other types of enclosures are included.

Emergency Aid Specialties

Defibrillator cabinets, first-aid cabinets, and respirator equipment with accessories are all counted in this section.

Fire Protection Specialties

Fireproof cabinets, fire extinguisher cabinets, mounted, wheeled, portable fire extinguishers, fire blankets and cabinets, and extinguisher accessories are all under this category.

Luminous Egress Path Markings

The best idea of what a Luminous Egress Path Marking would be is an unlit exit sign. The material used to make the signs and markings are responsive to light, reflecting in a luminous glow.

Emergency Eyewash Fixtures

This section covers eyewash fixtures such as eyewash stations and emergency drench showers, along with hoses and plumbing involved.

10 50 00- Storage Specialties


This section covers any form of a locker that’s out there, including weapon lockers. Mesh, phenolic, steel, aluminum, wood, plastic, laminate, and all of the accessories involved in these locker types are included.

Postal Specialties

Postal Specialties include PO box fixtures, cluster box units, 4C mailboxes, parcel lockers and other mailroom accessories.

Storage Shelving

The storage shelving involved in this category includes mobile, industrial, safety, and library storage shelving units.

Wardrobe and Closet Specialties

This category is primarily focused on residential architecture. Items such as garage doors, closet organizers, and closet doors are included.

10 70 00- Exterior Specialties

Exterior Protection

The Exterior Protection section is geared toward items that provide weather protection such as shudders, window shades, sun control devices, and storm protection window panels.

Protective Covers

This section covers awnings, canopies, exterior fabric types, roadside public shelters, and full-fabric structures. Other types of overhead protective covers are also included, such as permanent architectural features for entranceways.

Manufactured Exterior Specialties

Manufactured Exterior Specialties include exterior clocks, basement wells, steeples, weathervanes, and spires.


Automatic, manual, ground-set, nautical, wall-mounted, roof-mounted, and plaza mounted flagpoles are included in this section.

10 80 00- Other Specialties

Pest Control Devices

The devices in this category are to control birds, insects, rodents, or other pests. Items such as bird spikes, netting, retractable screens, and other insect screens are standardized under this topic.

Grilles and Screens

This section includes interior and exterior grilles and screens. Commercial window coatings, coverings, and any other product that provides coverage from weather, light, and air, fall under this section.


The standards used in the scales section involve that of industrial purposes.

To Conclude

So, now you see the difference between answering “What is MasterFormat?” versus answering, “What is MasterFormat Division 10?” These aren’t the kinds of things that regular folks need to know that want to tackle a DIY project.

The typical benefactors of the CSI MasterFormat are architects and procurement departments that need to order the right stuff to get a project bumped to completion. Using the MasterFormat eliminates confusion and promotes a standardized way of doing things, removing unwanted outliers and surprises at the construction site.

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